Complex I Homepage
Home of Complex I research

Mitochondrial Complex I NADH:ubiquinone, EBEC, Italy

Complex I investigators at the 19th European Bioenergetics Conference, Riva Del Garda, Italy, July 2016 

The original site has been established by Uli Brandt and Akemi and Takao Yagi in the '90s. The purpose of this site is to provide general information regarding mitochondrial complex I (NADH:quinone oxidoreductase) to researchers in the field of bioenergetics as well as to those who are simply curious about what this enzyme complex does. If you have any questions, comments or would like to add some information, please send an e-mail to Alexander Galkin

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Mitochondrial Complex I, NADH:ubiquinone EBEC, Budapest

Complex I investigators at the 20th European Bioenergetics Conference, Budapest, Hungary. Discussing almost 20 years of Complex I structural studies. Left to right: Judy Hirst, Leonid Sazanov, Ville Kaila, Andrei Vinogradov / speaker: Uli Brandt


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Please send your comment to Alexander Galkin.